
活佛師尊慈語 - 孝道貴在心中孝

發一慈法印尼棉蘭 廣發佛堂 活佛師尊慈悲囑語
The Holy Teachings of Ji-Gong Living Buddha The Dao of Filial Piety is within the Heart April 11th, 2003 Kuang-Fa Temple, Fa-Yi- Ci-Fa Medan, Indonesia


What does “the Dao of filial piety is within the heart.” mean? Filial piety doesn’t only mean to provide parents with sufficient food, enough clothing, and comfortable housing, but the most precious is the sincerity and respect from your heart, and which is the manifestation of Dao. It’s easy for people to love and respect their own parents, but not easy for daughters-in-law to love and respect parents-in-law. However, as cultivators, we have to rectify it. We should fulfill filial piety and put the Five Constant Virtues: mercy, justice, courtesy, wisdom and faith” into practice in daily life. If everyone can fulfill filial piety, I am sure that the country will be prosperous and at peace, the people will live in happiness, and everything will go smoothly. I hope that you can memorize “Bai Xiao Jing” and teach your children to fulfill filial piety.

As a governor, if he governs the country with mercy and filial piety, the country must be prosperous and at peace, and the people will live in happiness; as a cultivator, if you guide the Dao members with mercy, love and respect, the Dao propagation will be prosperous and successful; if you fulfill filial piety at home, your family will be harmonious. I wish all your offspring take a part in the Dao propagation, all your family members can be cultivators, and then all the families can become Mi Le Family. At that time, we can transform the earthly world into heaven.

As a cultivator, you should be solid and down to earth, and cultivate real merits and virtues. How do you consolidate the foundation of the Dao society? You should have the foundation of cultivators, which is filial piety, brotherly love, loyalty, trust, mercy, justice, courtesy and wisdom. No matter you are in the Dao society, in your family or in the society, if you can bear them in mind and put them into practice, you will be popular wherever you go, and there will be no regret in this life.

If we don’t have much money, we have to do good deeds more often, usually keep kind hearts, and then we can change our destiny. We should be diligent and frugal in managing household. Don’t waste food if it is edible; don’t throw away the clothes at your will; treasure the clothes if they are wearable. It is hard for parents to make money, and we should be thoughtful. Take good care of yourself and keep in good health, and it is filial piety. Don’t waste your money at your will, and treasure what you have, and then everything will go smoothly.

The reason that we were born in a rich or poor family is because the karma that we accumulated in the previous lives. If we were born in a rich family, we shouldn’t be arrogant and luxurious. Instead, we should cherish what we have, and then we could have endless blessings. The most important is that we should build up more good affinities with others. Now we have good affinities with God and Buddhas, so we should treasure the opportunities to cultivate our external merits as well as internal virtues and wisdoms. Now we are in the Dharma Boat of Chun Hui Temple, and should be hand in hand, heart to heart, and bring more people to receive Dao, to cultivate Dao, and then go back to Heaven together someday, OK?

It’s said that lewdness is the worst of all sins, and filial piety is the most important of all virtues. So filial piety should be put in the first place. If we want to have good luck, to have a happy and harmonious family, we should see filial piety as most important. If you love and respect parents, you will not do evil things, and will show the brotherly love to your siblings. If you don’t love and respect your parents, something will always be against your wish and you can’t have a happy and harmonious family, either. So, filial piety is very important, right?

Master Zeng (a Chinese saint) loved and respected his parents very much. One day, when he went to the mountains to cut woods, a guest visited his house. His mother was very worried because there was nothing at home to treat the guest and Master Zeng was also out. She didn’t know what to do and finally she got an idea—she bit her finger. It is said that parents and children can communicate with each other with hearts. If you show your concern to your parents with your sincerity all the time, and deeply love and respect them, you will have metapsychosis with your parents. So the saint’s heart, his respectful heart touches God. Parents’ graces for us are like Heaven and Earth’s graces. So our parents are like God. When Master Zeng’s mother bit her finger, he could feel that—his heart also hurt.

Now there are many aged people who live alone and sick, but nobody knows. They are about to die but they can’t see their children before their death. If it happens to you, will you be regretful? You brought up your children, but when you are old, your children don’t care about you, and your relatives and friends also ignore you. This kind of life is sorrowful. So, if you fulfill filial piety, your children will do, too. If you don’t fulfill filial piety, your children won’t, either.

The best way for us to fulfill filial piety is; first, we should talk to our parents in a gentle voice, and show a kind concern for our parents. Be sincere and rectify our hearts, and then show the sincerity from the hearts. Second, we should bring our parents to receive Dao, and help them understand the true meaning of life. Encourage them to cultivate and propagate Dao with you, and go back to Heaven get together in the future, it’s the best filial piety.


1:刊登於2007年10月號 92期《發一崇德雜誌》【經典篇】





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