
活佛師尊慈語 - 孝在十指間

西元二○○四年 國曆二月七日 歲次甲申 正月十七日
發一慈濟 屏東佳冬 慈濟堂
February 7, 2004 Chi-Ji Temple, Fa-Yi- Chi-Ji 聖訓組

The Holy Teachings of Ji-Gong Living Buddha

Filial Piety is among “Ten Fingers”

When traveling far from home, you should keep contact with your parents, and make them feel at ease for you. Give them a call anytime, and let them understand what you think. Then, they may know how to care about you, and pay attention to you. Don’t always think that your parents don’t care about you, and don’t understand you. If they do, that is because you keep a distance with them first. How do you make you and your parents get closer? That you have to show your heart, and then they may have the clue. If you don’t hold the sense of filial piety, how can your parents seize you?

What is filial piety? Respecting relatives and elders, and manifest it in your daily life and behavior. Don’t forget, among your “ten fingers”, you may express it. Why are “ten fingers’? When you help others with one hand, the sincerity that you show is different with helping others with both hands. When only helping with single hand, you cannot express the 100% of the sincerity and efficiency. Naturally, you have to do things with your both hands together, and hands can help each other. When facing difficulties, just like when one hand hurt, you may need another hand to help.

Filial behavior should start from bodily behavior. Start from yourself, and sincerely and harmoniously move forward, then you can express your filial behavior completely. If you just muddle through the work, that just like doing things with only one hand, how do you express your sincerity and respect? Why do you need both hands to hold a baby in arm then it can feel the radiance of a merciful mother and your love? Because if you only hold it with one hand, it will feel that it is going to fall. So, you have to realize the loving heart of parents, and to think and conduct filial behavior. “When you become a parent, you start to know the great favor of parents.” “When you hold your child, you start to know how kind your parents were.” So, as a parent, you have to realize that how your parents concerned for you.

Your parents tolerate you like the earth, and who can endure more difficulties and humiliation for you than your parents! So, the great favor and virtue of parents are just like the earth. You have to often think about that deeply, and to raise the kind heart. Then, Heaven will response your heart, and you will feel the mercy of Heaven is just like your mother. Father’s heart is like the sun, it illuminates us with pleasantly warm. Mother’s heart is like the moon, it shines on you at night. So, children are all very lucky that someone will take care of them day and night. For making your parents feel at ease for you, you have to keep a filial heart anytime, and refuse to be contaminated by evil influence. My disciples, you have to take care of your health and manage things with righteous heart, and then your parents will not worry about you.

When you slip and fall seriously, your parents applied the medicine for you, and comforted and hugged you at the same time. Don’t forget always keep Heavenly Mater and your parents in mind, and manifest it from your behavior. When facing difficulties, what is your first thought? What do you want to express? What signal you will cry for help except SOS? 〈Participant:call “Mom”!〉 So, parents are highest in your heart.

徒兒們長得玲瓏有致,五官健全,身體安康,這是你的父母,上天 老給你的。要去感恩他、回報他、思念他,更要去照顧他,保護他,才不會讓你的老母親擔憂啊!要把道行在你日常生活中,讓你的父母親安心,感到高興。
My disciples are all good-looking, facial features are all well, and are all physically healthy. All of these were given by your parents and Heavenly Mater. You have to be grateful, to repay, to miss, to protect, and to take care of them, and then Heavenly Mater will not worry for you. Practice Dao in daily life, and your parents will feel at ease and be happy for you.

It is strange that people often do not cherish things that are easily to get, and do not feel the importance of them. However, when you lose them, you will feel that they are necessity for daily life. Therefore, my disciples, often use everything around you well to adjust and improve your heart; and make you life more harmonious and happy, and make your family more perfect. If the family lives is harmony, all affairs will become prosperity. The prosperity is because of your heart. When you have the heart, you will be prosper, and when you heart is shining, your family will be perfect, also the whole society and nation.


1:刊登於2007年8月號 91期《發一崇德雜誌》【經典篇】





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