

~ 106年10月1日國際學者參訪報導 ~



         緊抓著聖訓的手,因著聲聲催促下樓而不捨得的放下,之後到了國際會議廳開始聆聽陸校長慈悲致歡迎詞與學術交流分享。陸校長慈悲表示:歡迎大家來到崇德學院,這所學校是天人共辦,若非 天恩師德,將很難成立,所以,肩負著一貫道普渡三曹之重責大任,在敬愛的天然古佛師尊慈悲於去年送給學院「萬世金鐘」之後,更不會忘記「編天下之經綸、以立教垂統」之重大使命。學院是個地靈人傑的地方、是老所賜的學術殿堂,磁場很好,來到這兒學習,不但身體可以變好,靈性更是可以得到成長,能夠專心地為一貫道義理進行論述,也歡迎各位專家學者們可以好好疼惜一貫道,為一貫道發聲。在座學者們也都很認同地頻頻點頭,甚至非常注意學院制定之七大研究主題,握在手上的筆快速地在筆記上留下印記。




         感謝 天恩師德!因為「神仙籍」聖訓的魅力,讓我們再次感受到天人共辦之殊勝。今日,又是場彌足珍貴的回憶、又是場再次見證團結就是力量的美好傑作!


~ Academic Study Exchange ~

         With Heavenly grace and great virtues of Holy Teachers, the first academic study exchange of this semester is successfully finished today. Thanks to the managing director of World I Kuan Tao headquarters Mr. Lee, we received roughly twenty scholars coming from France, Germany, Hong Kong, Poland, Vietnam, Canada, the US, South Korea along with several local ones.

         The discussion went broadly from I Kuan Tao’s educational systems, the school’s master programs, the global influence of I Kuan Tao, the qualifications of entering the school, and so on. Our president, Mr. Lu patiently replied every single question and made satisfaction to visitors in general. This academic study exchange is significantly meaningful to the school, Tao society and all Tao members. Tao is not a religion, it is the universal truth past from Heavenly Divine, and it is also the inheritance of Chinese classic culture. All these could be told from its worldly development, and it would not be made with only human efforts and dedication.

         “The school’s missions are to collect and compile scriptures by Buddhas and classics by saints or sages, and use these as charters and standards to humanize people and transform their lives for the better; guide all sentient beings to become enlightened; pass on the torch of the spiritual heritage of Tao, and carry forward missions, forging ahead into the future.” said the president. The school was meant to be set up. It took ten years to finish the school, Holy Mater had played nearly 30 miracles which help us build up more confidence and prove “Oneness of Heaven and Man“ is true.

         “I have got a very good impression on this environment, the global movement of I Kuan Tao has made a great impact as it has been developing to more than ninety countries so far. I am going to write a book about I Kuan Tao and would like to visit the school again in the near future.” said Dr. David W. Kim.

         The visitors also showed their interests in attending our school’s conference held every year as well. It was impressive to see they took notes during the discussion. We believe the information we offered would be helpful for them to know more about us. Academic study exchange is really one of good ways to let outsiders get better understanding about the essence of I Kuan Tao.

By Joyce Sweeney Oct 1, 2017

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